Albania - a state in south-eastern Europe
SHOPPING As a souvenir from Albania, you can bring a copy of one of the…

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Лада в екатеринбурге официальный дилер цены посмотреть .;Секция хоккей еще на сайте .;На сайте купить собрание сигареты. Сайт об iPad
Syria - a state in the Middle East
SHOPPING Shops are open from Saturday to Thursday from 9:30 to 14:00 and from 16:30…


SHOPPING Mode of operation of stores in different states is different. As a rule, large…


Canary Islands or Canaries - an archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean off the northwestern coast of Africa
GASTRONOMY Canarian cuisine is quite simple, it is based on high-quality local products, such as…


inlaid with gold

Spain – a state in the south-west of Europe

Shops are open from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 16.00 to 20.00 from Monday to Saturday. Large department stores – from 10.00 to 21.00 from Monday to Saturday without a break, supermarkets – from 9.00-10.00 to 20.00-21.00 without a break, from Monday to Saturday. From 13.00 to 16.00 – siesta. On Sundays and holidays (with the exception of specially agreed days) everything is closed. In summer, in tourist areas, shops are open until 22.00 (sometimes until 23.00) without days off.
Spain is the country of bullfights and flamenco, temperamental beauties and ripe oranges, which is why souvenirs from Spain are also very unusual:
Toro is a bull in Spanish (hence the “bullfighter”) and a kind of symbol of the country. Bull souvenirs, large and small, hard and soft, from a variety of materials, can be found everywhere in Spain. Continue reading

Italy - a state in the south of Europe
SHOPPING Shops are usually open all day from 9:00 to 20:00, some are open on…
