Greece is a state in the south of Europe
SHOPPING Shops are open from 9:00 to 15:00 (in the summer - from 8:30) and…

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Jordan is an Arab country in the Middle East.
SHOPPING From Jordan, you can bring Madaban wicker rugs, bottles of colored sand from Petra…


Italy - a state in the south of Europe
SHOPPING Shops are usually open all day from 9:00 to 20:00, some are open on…


Spain - a state in the south-west of Europe
SHOPPING Shops are open from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 16.00 to 20.00 from Monday…


partisan methods

Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean

From October to April, the shops are open from 8:00 to 18:00 (break from 13:00 to 15:00), and on Wednesdays and Saturdays after lunch they close completely. On Sundays, shops usually do not work.
Wines and liqueurs are being brought from Cyprus, the Commandaria sweet wine (or Namas wine), which is better to buy at Troodos Monastery in Kykkos, handmade lace and silver, paintings, leather goods, expensive jewelry of the original design, fur coats.
For lovers of culinary delights, you can bring from Cyprus Cyprus gollum cheese (convenient for transportation), Cypriot sweets (Turkish delight, halva, suzukos – almond grains in grape syrup, etc.).
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Cayman Islands – Overseas Territory of Great Britain in the Caribbean

On the Cayman Islands – the mass of Duty free shops, where literally everything is sold, from fine emeralds to Cuban cigars and modern electronics. There are many tourist shops where you can buy T-shirts, hats, postcards and more.
Holidays in the Cayman Islands – the pleasure is quite expensive. A day at a 5 * hotel will cost an average of $ 300 or more, 4 * hotels ask for their services from $ 200 per night, a stay of 2-3 * will cost about $ 100 per day.
At the same time, outside the tourist season, the price level is reduced by 20-25%, while at the height of the season (December – April) prices for hotel accommodation increase by 50% or more. Continue reading

Vietnam – a state in Southeast Asia

Local shopping has two pleasant features: a rich selection of purchases and the lowest prices in the region (if, of course, do not forget to bargain). Shops are open almost every day, seven days a week, from 7:30 to 17:30 – officially, and unofficially – until late evening.
From Vietnam you can bring products made of varnish, bamboo, mother of pearl, red and black wood, as well as clothing and accessories made of silk, linen and cotton, silver jewelry and dishes, green tea, Vietnamese coffee, ceramics, silk-embroidered paintings, jewelry, pearls .
In large cities, it makes sense to buy something from clothes or shoes.
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