Portugal - the most western state in continental Europe
SHOPPING Shops are open on weekdays from 9.00 to 19.00, a break - from 13.00…

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El Salvador - a state in Central America
WHERE TO STAY There are hotels in all major cities and tourist centers. The average…


Georgia - a state in the Caucasus on the Black Sea coast
SHOPPING Open from 9.00 to 19.00, a large number of shops and supermarkets work around…


SHOPPING Mode of operation of stores in different states is different. As a rule, large…


Indian civilization was

Colombia is a state in northwestern South America.

Colombian textile industry is widely recognized and reputable in South America and Europe. Clothing (including underwear) – has high quality and affordable prices. Leather clothing, shoes and accessories are also of interest to foreigners. The best place to shop is the city of Medellín, known as the fashion capital of Colombia, where you can buy very high quality goods at very low prices.
Shopping on the island of San Andres (duty free zone): perfumes, electronics and elite alcoholic beverages; in Cartagena: ritual masks, musical instruments, clay products, miniature shiva buses; in Cartagena and Bogota: gold and silver jewelry with emeralds, high-quality textile products, aromatic Colombian coffee (“Oma” and “Juan Valdez”). Continue reading

Canary Islands or Canaries – an archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean off the northwestern coast of Africa

Canarian cuisine is quite simple, it is based on high-quality local products, such as fresh fish, beef, pork, goat meat, local vegetables and tropical fruits.
On the First, a variety of vegetable soups are popular, and the Second is often served with jacket potatoes – Papas Arrugadas (papas arrugadas), which are boiled in very salty water until it evaporates, and as a result salt crystals settle on its skin.
Much attention in the Canary cuisine is paid to sauces, real, without chemical additives and preservatives.
Like in the whole of mainland Spain, paella is popular in the Canaries, a national rice dish with olive oil and various ingredients such as seafood, chicken, vegetables, etc. Continue reading

Ireland – a state in Western Europe

Large stores are open from 9.00 to 18.00 on weekdays, some supermarkets are open and on Sunday from 12.00 to 18.00. Many small shops work from 7.00 to 23.00 and longer.
One of the souvenirs brought from Ireland can be Irish whiskey. Spirits, including beer, are sold only in retail outlets that have special licenses for this (“Off License”).
In Ireland, you can buy inexpensive and high-quality homespun textiles: tweed, wool, cotton and knitwear. Especially popular are Irish sheep wool sweaters. From souvenirs, figurines of fabulous creatures from Irish myths, goods with Guinness symbols, are most often purchased. Continue reading