Canada - a state in North America
WHERE TO STAY In Canada, there is no single classification of hotels, and the approximate…

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HOTELS, GESTHOUSES AND ACCOMMODATION In Thailand, it is not accepted to classify hotels as stars.…


Poland - a state in Central Europe
SHOPPING From Poland traditionally brought delicious alcohol "Zubrovka" and cherry liqueur "Babuni". And in Krakow…


Germany - a state in Central Europe
SHOPPING Twice a year, many stores in Germany arrange sales: things of the outgoing season…


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Jordan is an Arab country in the Middle East.

From Jordan, you can bring Madaban wicker rugs, bottles of colored sand from Petra (they are best bought in Petra itself), souvenirs from the olive tree, ceramics and copper ware, jewelry, Bedouin jewelry made of black silver and much more. Jordanian cosmetics based on products from the Dead Sea is also very popular.
Unbelievable, but true: the traditional “Eastern” bargaining in Jordan is almost absent. Prices, if they drop, it is not much, and mostly Bedouin boys selling souvenirs in Petra. In shops and shops, sellers behave extremely cautiously and politely, but always with dignity: no one allows himself to grasp the sleeves and other attributes of Middle Eastern malls. Continue reading

Germany – a state in Central Europe

Twice a year, many stores in Germany arrange sales: things of the outgoing season are offered at discounted prices. The timing of the winter sale: the end of January – early February, summer: the end of July – early August.
You can buy items in Germany in such major stores as Karstadt, Galeria Kaufhof, H & M, C & A, WOOLWORTH and others. As a rule, each of them is 3-4 floors, where you can find clothes for all seasons, life situations and all family members. The quality of clothes is undoubtedly high. Prices are different. Here, as in the case of products, each store has its own price niche.
When shopping in Germany, you should pay attention not only to large shopping centers, but also to small shops, often their owners are the Turks. The clothes here are quite different in style and “manner of performance.” You can find very nice and individual things. Continue reading

Morocco is a state in northwestern Africa.
SHOPPING Shops in Morocco do not have a single work schedule. In general, they work…
