Canada - a state in North America
WHERE TO STAY In Canada, there is no single classification of hotels, and the approximate…

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Great Britain is an island nation in Western Europe
SHOPPING Shops are open from 9.00 to 17.30. All products sold in stores are subject…


Saudi Arabia - the largest state in the Arabian Peninsula.
SHOPPING Shops often do not have a well-defined work schedule, but usually work from Saturday…


Canary Islands or Canaries - an archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean off the northwestern coast of Africa
GASTRONOMY Canarian cuisine is quite simple, it is based on high-quality local products, such as…


well-defined public

Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean

From October to April, the shops are open from 8:00 to 18:00 (break from 13:00 to 15:00), and on Wednesdays and Saturdays after lunch they close completely. On Sundays, shops usually do not work.
Wines and liqueurs are being brought from Cyprus, the Commandaria sweet wine (or Namas wine), which is better to buy at Troodos Monastery in Kykkos, handmade lace and silver, paintings, leather goods, expensive jewelry of the original design, fur coats.
For lovers of culinary delights, you can bring from Cyprus Cyprus gollum cheese (convenient for transportation), Cypriot sweets (Turkish delight, halva, suzukos – almond grains in grape syrup, etc.).
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Kingdom of Cambodia - a state in Southeast Asia
SHOPPING Markets open early, around 6:00 and close by 17:00. The best time to visit…
