Latvia is a Baltic state in North-Eastern Europe
SEA AND BEACHES Beach Jurmala (white quartz sand) stretches 33 kilometers along the Gulf of…

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Лазертаг для детей краснодар посмотреть .; автоподбор тюмень отзывы ;GSCOR фильтр локальный .
Cuba - an island nation in the northern part of the Caribbean
SHOPPING As a souvenir from Cuba, products and jewelry made of coral in combination with…


Norway - a country in Northern Europe
SHOPPING The schedule of stores in different parts of the country varies greatly. In large…


El Salvador - a state in Central America
WHERE TO STAY There are hotels in all major cities and tourist centers. The average…


have agreements

United Arab Emirates or simply the UAE – a state in southwest Asia in the eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula

Shopping in the Emirates is one of the best in the world. All European collections in Dubai cost 20-30% cheaper than in Moscow, as far as there are no taxes in the country.
Unconditional leaders among the emirates in the field of shopping – Dubai and Sharjah. The first option of shopping is shopping on shopping streets, where you need to bargain and in every possible way to show customer insight. The second way – visiting large shopping centers. The prices in them are somewhat higher, and there are less opportunities to bargain, but goods of higher quality, many specialized shops and stores of well-known world companies. Continue reading

Greece is a state in the south of Europe
SHOPPING Shops are open from 9:00 to 15:00 (in the summer - from 8:30) and…
