reliable information
The Federative Republic of Brazil is the largest South American country by area and population.
Most Brazilian hotels have a category from 3 to 5 “stars”. In Rio, almost all hotels are high-rise, that is, urban type.
Arrival time in hotels in Brazil is usually set between 14:00 and 16:00 hours, and checkout time – no later than 12:00.
If your flight takes off in the evening, we advise you to arrange at the reception about the late departure time from the room. If for some reason this cannot be done, you can transfer the luggage to the hotel’s luggage room and spend the rest of the day on site using all of its services.
Tourists usually buy high-quality leather goods in Brazil: shoes, bags, belts, wallets, as well as local coffee, wooden crafts, multi-colored sand bottles from Fortaleza, hammocks from the state of Bahia and of course bikinis. Continue reading
Bulgaria is a state in Southeast Europe
Shops are open from Monday to Friday, Saturday – “short day”. Many trade establishments work without days off (in resorts often until 22:00). Food stores are often open around the clock (as evidenced by the sign “Non-stop”).
Clothes with embroidery, linen fabrics, rugs, Rose Valley perfumes, handmade products made of leather, copper and silver are brought from Bulgaria.
Recently, the hotel fund in Bulgaria is being actively reconstructed, and by the beginning of the season, many hotels are doing cosmetic repairs. Most hotels are 3 * and 4 *. Meals are most often served on the basis of breakfast (buffet).
Most of the ski hotels in Bulgaria recently reconstructed, it is consistent with its “star” and made in the Alpine style. Continue reading