Albania - a state in south-eastern Europe
SHOPPING As a souvenir from Albania, you can bring a copy of one of the…

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China (China) - a state in East Asia
SHOPPING In large government stores and food shops prices are fixed. Bargaining is possible and…


Bulgaria is a state in Southeast Europe
SHOPPING Shops are open from Monday to Friday, Saturday - “short day”. Many trade establishments…


Canada - a state in North America
WHERE TO STAY In Canada, there is no single classification of hotels, and the approximate…


kind of precursor of modern

Kingdom of Cambodia – a state in Southeast Asia

Markets open early, around 6:00 and close by 17:00. The best time to visit them is in the morning, as at around noon most shops are already closing for a kind of dinner, reopening only around 15: 00-16: 00.
From Cambodia, you can bring silk and products from it, jewelry, wooden and wicker crafts by local craftsmen.
In recent years, the hotel business in Cambodia is experiencing a real boom. New guesthouses and hotels are being built, and tourists can choose for themselves accommodation options for every taste and budget. At the same time, ideas about Cambodia as a country where “everything is for one dollar” are gradually fading. Continue reading

Arab Republic of Egypt, or just Egypt
ABOUT EGYPT HOTELS In Egypt, there are hotels of many famous world chains, such as…
