Albania - a state in south-eastern Europe
SHOPPING As a souvenir from Albania, you can bring a copy of one of the…

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Hungary - a state in Central Europe
SHOPPING From Hungary, you can bring Tokay wine, "Unicum" - a bitter tonic tincture of…


Georgia - a state in the Caucasus on the Black Sea coast
SHOPPING Open from 9.00 to 19.00, a large number of shops and supermarkets work around…


Kenya is a country in East Africa.
SHOPPING Kenyan products are as diverse and unique as Kenya itself. Here you will find…


accommodation for almost

United Arab Emirates or simply the UAE – a state in southwest Asia in the eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula

Shopping in the Emirates is one of the best in the world. All European collections in Dubai cost 20-30% cheaper than in Moscow, as far as there are no taxes in the country.
Unconditional leaders among the emirates in the field of shopping – Dubai and Sharjah. The first option of shopping is shopping on shopping streets, where you need to bargain and in every possible way to show customer insight. The second way – visiting large shopping centers. The prices in them are somewhat higher, and there are less opportunities to bargain, but goods of higher quality, many specialized shops and stores of well-known world companies. Continue reading

Morocco is a state in northwestern Africa.

Shops in Morocco do not have a single work schedule. In general, they work from Monday to Friday from 08.30 to 16.30, a break from 12.30 to 14.00. Most of the trade is carried out in bazaars, of which there are many more in the country. Bazaars operate with little or no days off, with the exception of religious holidays.
Traditional purchases in Morocco are carpets, leather goods, earthenware and china, copperware, precious stones and gold products, and national clothing.
WHERE TO STAY Continue reading

Canary Islands or Canaries – an archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean off the northwestern coast of Africa

Canarian cuisine is quite simple, it is based on high-quality local products, such as fresh fish, beef, pork, goat meat, local vegetables and tropical fruits.
On the First, a variety of vegetable soups are popular, and the Second is often served with jacket potatoes – Papas Arrugadas (papas arrugadas), which are boiled in very salty water until it evaporates, and as a result salt crystals settle on its skin.
Much attention in the Canary cuisine is paid to sauces, real, without chemical additives and preservatives.
Like in the whole of mainland Spain, paella is popular in the Canaries, a national rice dish with olive oil and various ingredients such as seafood, chicken, vegetables, etc. Continue reading